10 KM Fun & Walking | Friday 07.06.2024

Do you go at speed or take it easy?
Our 10 KM enjoyment & walking is for young, old, beginner runner or professional. The result may but need not play a role. You can try to run your best 10 km, or you can run the course together as a comfortable evening round in a competition atmosphere.

The 10 KM post-run is also possible as a walking course.

Register here now for the 10 KM: REGISTER!

Friday (07.06.2024) Start timeRegistration period Price in CHF
10 KM Fun & Walking23.0001.11 – 31.12.2023
01.01 – 31.05.2024
01.06 – 07.06.2024
Prices Incl. SBB Runners ticket
GPX file

ATTENTION: The 10km course was not officially measured by Swiss Athletics.