Arrival | Departure

Arrival by public transport:
From Biel train station, take bus line 1 in the direction of “Stadien/Stades” to the terminal stop. Travel time approx. 16 minutes, departure approx. every 10 minutes.
From Biel train station, take bus line 2 in the direction of Biel/Bienne, Orpundplatz to the “Stadien/Stades” stop. Travel time about 16 minutes, departure every 10 minutes. You can also find the exact timetable of VBS Biel here. Timetable VBS Biel

Swiss Runners Ticket:
Before the run you will receive an SBB promo code by mail. With this code you can benefit from a free arrival.
Click here for the offer page:

Arrival by car:
The parking garage of the Tissot Arena is available for a fee.
You can buy an exit ticket for CHF 20.00 at the Infopoint. However, these tickets are very limited. The rule is: first comes first serves!

Departure by public transport
For runners of the adventure race and the half marathon, an extra bus will be offered at 01.10 and 01.40, which will depart from the Tissot Arena to the train station in Biel. At the train station in Biel you can reach the Moonliner connections from 02:05 and 02:15.

